
Nicola Culloty

Nicola Culloty began her career as a primary school teacher. Nicola completed a Masters in CBT and founded her CBT practice Full Circle CBT in 2020. Nicola has recently completed a Diploma in Traumatology and PTSD.

She is very experienced on the impact of trauma on both adults and children and is proficient in the techniques used to overcome and assist those living with mental health issues.

Nicola founded Full Circle CBT™ in 2020. She provides webinar and on-site training to school staff, service providers, agencies and companies. Nicola has facilitated parenting groups and worked closely with parents of children in her roles as teacher, therapist and HSCL. Nicola provides training in the area of Cognitive Behavioural Therapy. She also provides parenting support to parents of both young children and adolescents. Nicola provides online therapeutic support to children and teenagers of all ages.

Transform your thinking | Transform your life

Talk to a therapist any time you have a problem.

What is CBT?

Cognitive Behavioural Therapy is based on the concept that our thoughts, feelings and behaviours are connected. CBT aims to help deal with overwhelming problems by breaking them into smaller parts.

CBT is evidence-based and has proven to be very effective in the treatment of depression and anxiety. 

CBT focusses on the SMART model of goal setting. It emphasizes good collaboration and active participation.

The Benefits of Cognitive Behavioural Techniques:

What people say?